Here's the latest as reported by the New York Time's Juliet Macur: -- New Finding Challenges Tour Champ's Claim Here's a good opinion piece by Bloomberg's Scott Soshnick. -- Floyd Landis Tests Fans' Faith in Sports Heroes ...
By JULIET MACUR. VANCOUVER, British Columbia ? After weeks and months of conversation about the Russian skater Yevgeny Plushenko's quadruple jump and the Swiss skater Stéphane Lambiel's quadruple jump, another skater added his name to the list of top contenders here who are likely to try the risky move at these Olympics: Johnny Weir, the three-time United States national champion. Robyn Beck/Agence France-Presse ? Getty Images Johnny Weir performing ... No Hotel, No Fur ...
By JULIET MACUR. VANCOUVER, British Columbia ? After weeks and months of conversation about the Russian skater Yevgeny Plushenko's quadruple jump and the Swiss skater Stéphane Lambiel's quadruple jump, another skater added his name to the list of top contenders here who are likely to try the risky move at these Olympics: Johnny Weir, the three-time United States national champion. Robyn Beck/Agence France-Presse ? Getty Images Johnny Weir performing ... No Hotel, No Fur ...